Another Season of Swingset Comes to an End
Winter Swingset just ended today. Our Singing Stories curriculum was very easy and smooth to teach and I hope fun for the kids. I teach pre-school music once a week, many weeks of the year. Did you know that many picture books are songs and qualify as Singing Stories, not just reading stories. It warms my heart to see two-year olds singing and moving without self consciousness. Grandmas and Dads show up as well as Moms and Caregivers and all participate to the joy of their children.
Here we are moving up and down with Miss Froggy who teaches us many adverbs to match our moving.
Could it be that pesky flea on my head as well as on my toe?
Dancing like the wind is so whirly and twirly.
And playing the drums requires listening, evaluating each drum for it's sound value, and trading back and forth.
There are more classes to view here and here. We are starting again in April, maybe you will join us?